In response to a few comments about my first post:
Has everyone seen the movie Avatar... in 3D digital quality??? If not, I urge you to do so ASAP! Seeing Avatar was a sentimental experience for me because 1) I really appreciate 3D graphics and the work that goes into creating them and 2) because I don't think I'll ever be able to create something that good! Its terrifying and very sad :( At the same time, I became very excited about what this new type of 3D technology means for the world of entertainment but also for education and health and fitness. Imagine your teacher is an Avatar walking you through a 3D forest and giving you a science lesson! Would students be more engaged?!? I think the answer is heck yes!!! What if Virtual lesson plans were created to make possible what is not realistically possible like being able to see living cells on a larger-than-life scale to reproduce and function as cells do, or see how the respiratory system of humans and other mammals works.... It would be like Ms. Frizzle and the Magic School Bus!!! Talk about experiential learning! Perhaps you can experience this with your classmates... or maybe it is homework assigned by your teacher. Maybe this 3D technology can provide part of that 'learning by doing' experience that really allows students to retain knowledge. This could also help communicate to the students so much information and so many details that time does not permit to be covered in the classroom.
I do not mean in any way that this technology should replace the teacher: As the Rich & Reaves article affirms, the teacher should be a guide to suggest an end or a plan. I agree with that point of view. I also think students should interact with each other as it is important in developing social skills. Also important is that students explore their real physical environments, which should not be replaced by a virtual environment. However, I do think Virtual Learning has some positive things to offer and perhaps it will play a role in the classroom some time in the near future. It could be used as a catalyst to capture students' interests or as a substitute when field trips aren't possible for whatever reason.
Why Not???
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